Kurt Craver

LinkedIn Profile


Granby, CT

Verify Certification


Skills :


5 Years Experience : AWS (VPC, EC2, ASG, RDS, ECS, Lambda), Jenkins, Git, Docker, Bash, Nginx

10 Years Experience : CI/CD, DevOps, Virtualization, Redis, PowerShell, REST APIs, Apache

15 Years Experience : SQL Server, Windows IIS, High Availability & Load Balancing Architecture

19 Years Experience : C# .NET, Relational Databases & Data Replication, SQL Anywhere, SOAP APIs


AWS Certified SysOps Administrator (73S3DWPC6EE11T9R)


Work Experience - Twin Oaks Software : July 2004 - Current


Software company with a focus on UI and billing solutions for health clubs and medical offices. Joined the company as a Programmer and have since moved into the role of Systems Administrator with responsibilities including CI/CD, SysOps Engineer, DevOps Engineer, DBA, Data Engineer, Web Admin, System Admin and System Architect.


Experience includes, but is not limited to:


DevOps Admin

  • Setup and maintain version control, continuous integration and automated deployments to QA and production environments
  • Creation and administration of virtual machines and images for roll out and duplication of complete systems entailing web server, SQL server, report server, and IIS web application front ends


SysOps Admin

  • Creating and maintaining
    • highly available, auto-scaling web server deployments with AWS ASG
    • TLS cryptography
    • web application firewalls (AWS WAF & ModSecurity)
    • highly available, scalable Docker container hosting with AWS ECS
  • Updating and re-configuring operating systems and software stacks based on changing security best practices
  • Automating system health monitoring and alerts


Cloud Hosting Migration (Sept 2019 to Jan 2020)

  • Saved the company 100% of consulting fee and $5,000 per month in hosting vs previous provider
  • Configured web servers in separate availability zones with load balancing and fail-over
  • Migrated over 200 SQL Server databases using transactional replication for minimal down time
  • Configured Redis noSQL database on linux nodes for highly available session state server
  • Automated deployments of in-house developed front and back end software

Database Administrator

  • Designing, developing, deploying, and maintaining relational databases in a manner which avoids data duplication and leverages indexes, views, stored procedures, and functions to provide scalable performance
  • Maintenance of consolidated and remote Sybase SQL Anywhere databases and Mobilink replication
  • Configuring SQL server to prevent system outages and provide notifications of errors
  • SQL Server transactional replication
  • Analyzing database performance monitors to identify and resolve performance issues
  • Updating database schemas to support continuously developing software
  • Leveraging AWS RDS SQL Server for always on high availability


Systems Architect

  • Experience developing, deploying, and maintaining software and IT systems from end to end 
  • Configuring and maintaining production AWS environment leveraging EC2, RDS, ECS, Windows, Linux, Lambda, S3 and more


Software Developer

  • Lead developer of C# .NET data access libraries, web services, and Windows forms for hybrid client application that accesses data locally at remote client locations as well as server side through ASP.NET web services
  • Developing data access and business logic layers for Silverlight application using Entity Framework, LINQ and MS RIA web services
  • Developing multi-threaded applications that process multiple data stream simultaneously and interact with Windows forms in a thread safe manner
  • Developing, deploying and maintaining Windows Forms .NET applications leveraging ADO.NET data access
  • Developing, deploying and consuming web service APIs to integrate components across separate systems 
  • Familiar with the concepts of dependency inversion, dependency injection, and test driven development



Bachelor of Science May 2004 - Marist College

Major: Information Technology - Major Field GPA: 3.49 - Cumulative GPA: 3.1